Routing Number- 236087664 - ARDENT CREDIT UNION., SUITE 500, PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, ABA Routing Number, Phone No., Email, Address

Are you looking for 236087664 Routing Number full details, If yes then you have reached at right place because on this page we have extracted complete details of 236087664 Routing Number. which are updated in 2025. 236087664 is Routing Number of ARDENT CREDIT UNION. in PHILADELPHIA city of Pennsylvania state. See full detail of this routing number and associated bank branch details.

236087664 - Routing Number Details

Routing Number236087664
Street AddressSUITE 500
StatePennsylvania, PA
Zip Code19130-0000
ACH Services Telephone(215) 569-3700
Date Of Last Revision070716 (MMDDYY)
Branch Phone No. [Show_Phone_No]
Email ID [Show_Email]
Location On Map

What is Routing Number?

An ABA routing transit number (ABA RTN) is a nine digit numerical code, used in the United States, which appears on the bottom of negotiable instruments such as cheques to identify the financial institution on which it was drawn. The ABA RTN was originally designed to facilitate the sorting, bundling, and shipment of paper cheques back to the drawer's (check writer's) account. As new payment methods were developed (ACH and Wire), the system was expanded to accommodate these payment methods.

The Routing Number is used for domestic transfer. To make money transfer, the Routing Number is used together with the bank account number of the recipient. For international inward money transfer, a SWIFT code must be used together with a Routing Number and Account Number.

The Routing Number is used by Federal Reserve Banks to process Fedwire funds transfers, and by the Automated Clearing House to process direct deposits, bill payments, and other such automated transfers.

The format of Routing Number is as follows:-


  • The first four two digits (XXXX) is the Federal Reserve Routing Symbol.
  • The next four digits (YYYY) is American Bankers Association (ABA) Institution Identifier.
  • The last one digit (Z) is the check digit.
Federal Reserve Routing Symbol ABA Institution Identifier Check Digit

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