Are you looking for UTIB0003264 IFSC Code full details, If yes then you have reached at right place because on this page we have extracted complete details of UTIB0003264 IFSC Code, which are updated in 2025. UTIB0003264 is IFSC code of AXIS BANK KANAKAPURA ROAD branch. Before transferring money to this branch, You need to know AXIS BANK KANAKAPURA ROAD Branch IFSC Code Details, Which is listed bellow.
IFSC Code | UTIB0003264 |
Bank Name | AXIS BANK |
District | BANGALORE |
MICR | 560211083 |
Branch Code | 003264 |
Branch Phone No. | 26950909 |
Branch Head Phone No. | [Show_Phone_No] |
Email ID | [Show_Email] |
Website | - |
Location On Map | |
AXIS BANK, KANAKAPURA ROAD branch IFSC Code is UTIB0003264. The Branch address is J R PLAZA GROUND FLOOR NORTHERN SIDE NO 6 KANAKAPURA MAIN ROAD RAGHUVANAHALLI BENGALURU 560062 . Branch Telephone/Contact/Phone Numbers is 26950909. The Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code 003264.
AXIS BANK, KANAKAPURA ROAD branch located at City - BANGALORE, District - BANGALORE, State - KARNATAKA .
The Indian Financial System Code (IFS Code or IFSC) is an alphanumeric code that facilitates electronic funds transfer in India. A code uniquely identifies each bank branch participating in the two main Payment and settlement systems in India: the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and the National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) systems
The IFSC is an 11-character code with the first four alphabetic characters representing the bank name, and the last six characters (usually numeric, but can be alphabetic) representing the branch. The fifth character is 0 (zero) and reserved for future use. Bank IFS Code is used by the NEFT & RTGS systems to route the messages to the destination banks/branches.[2] The format of the IFS Code is shown below.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bank Code | 0 | Branch Code |
For Example: Here we have AXIS BANK, KANAKAPURA ROAD branch IFSC Code - [UTIB0003264], We can divide IFSC Code like this and extract bank code and branch code.
U | T | I | B | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 4 |
Bank Code | 0 | Branch Code |
Many of you would have seen the magnetic inks bar codes printed on the bottom of your bank's cheque leaves. These bar codes are known as MICR code, an abbreviation for 'Magnetic Ink Character Recognition'.
Actually, the MICR is the name given to the technology used in printing the code.
The MICR code has nine digits in it with each three digits signifying some important information about the transaction and the bank. The first three digits in the MICR code represent the city code that is the city in which the bank branch is located.
In most cases it is in line with the PIN code of the postal addresses in India.
The next three digits stand for the bank code while the last three digits represent the bank branch code.
For example, if you have an account with State Bank of India (SBI) Mumbai (Central) then its nine digit MICR code will be 400002009 wherein:
400, the first three digits representing the city code for Mumbai;
002, the next three digits representing the bank code for SBI;
And 009, the last three digits representing the bank branch code for Andheri (West).
You can check the MICR codes of different banks using our online tool (
In the early 1980s the Reserve Bank of India introduced many new modes for safe and effective payments across the country. One such important mode introduced was the unique system of MICR based cheque clearing system.
Apart from being a security bar code to protect your transaction, the MICR code is also an indispensable part for online money transfers. Every bank branch is given a unique MICR code and this helps the RBI to identify the bank branch and speed up the clearing process.